full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Gowri Shankar: A king cobra bite -- and a scientific discovery

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So what does this finding mean? I found king cobras differed from each other by one to four percent genetic makeup. So what does this discovery mean for the king crboa? Well, iiagnme there's a tsunami or an epidemic on an island inhabited by a particular species of king cobra. We could lose that whole species. In other words, one habitat dotutrscien is the loss of an entire species we have yet to understand. Resolving species confusion is highly ipoamrtnt for the conservation planning, biological control, treatment of diseases and snakebite. According to the International Union for cnoiotasrevn of Nature's Red List of Threatened Species, king cobras are not given much attention. My discovery clals for an urgent rmeenesassst of each species status and conservation etofrfs.

Open Cloze

So what does this finding mean? I found king cobras differed from each other by one to four percent genetic makeup. So what does this discovery mean for the king _____? Well, _______ there's a tsunami or an epidemic on an island inhabited by a particular species of king cobra. We could lose that whole species. In other words, one habitat ___________ is the loss of an entire species we have yet to understand. Resolving species confusion is highly _________ for the conservation planning, biological control, treatment of diseases and snakebite. According to the International Union for ____________ of Nature's Red List of Threatened Species, king cobras are not given much attention. My discovery _____ for an urgent ____________ of each species status and conservation _______.


  1. efforts
  2. calls
  3. cobra
  4. important
  5. conservation
  6. imagine
  7. destruction
  8. reassessment

Original Text

So what does this finding mean? I found king cobras differed from each other by one to four percent genetic makeup. So what does this discovery mean for the king cobra? Well, imagine there's a tsunami or an epidemic on an island inhabited by a particular species of king cobra. We could lose that whole species. In other words, one habitat destruction is the loss of an entire species we have yet to understand. Resolving species confusion is highly important for the conservation planning, biological control, treatment of diseases and snakebite. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature's Red List of Threatened Species, king cobras are not given much attention. My discovery calls for an urgent reassessment of each species status and conservation efforts.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
king cobra 9
king cobras 5
thailand antivenom 2

Important Words

  1. attention
  2. biological
  3. calls
  4. cobra
  5. cobras
  6. confusion
  7. conservation
  8. control
  9. destruction
  10. differed
  11. discovery
  12. diseases
  13. efforts
  14. entire
  15. epidemic
  16. finding
  17. genetic
  18. habitat
  19. highly
  20. imagine
  21. important
  22. inhabited
  23. international
  24. island
  25. king
  26. list
  27. lose
  28. loss
  29. makeup
  30. percent
  31. planning
  32. reassessment
  33. red
  34. resolving
  35. snakebite
  36. species
  37. status
  38. threatened
  39. treatment
  40. tsunami
  41. understand
  42. union
  43. urgent
  44. words